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6E: Writing Co-Produced Worlds: Writing Co-Produced Worlds: Perspectives From Early Career Researchers In Critical Development Studies

Chamberlain 35-519
Thursday, July 13, 2017
3:40 PM - 5:10 PM
Chamberlain 35-519


Sponsored by Critical Development Study Group


Ms Phoebe Everingham
PhD Student
University of Newcastle

Writing Co Produced Worlds: Workshop Session

10:40 AM - 12:00 PM

Abstract Text

Early-career researchers (ECRs) and practitioners who work to understand and improve urban, regional and rural governance face peculiar challenges related to the co-production of knowledge for social transformation. For practitioners, these challenges can relate to the broad constellation of actors, diverse interests, and entrenched power relations which shape governance in these territories. For early career researchers, collaborating to create empowering and emancipatory representations of these worlds can be a daunting task. This postgraduate-led workshop will take the form of a facilitated discussion among participants, who will reflect on the following questions:

What strategies are needed to bridge conflicting rationalities and generate co-produced knowledge and actions in development practice?
What are the enablers and constraints to co-production?
What methodologies can academics and professionals use to allow the co-production of knowledge in theory and practice?
What are the benefits of this type of co-production?

The aim of the session is to catalyse the formation of ongoing cross-institutional writing circles or communities of (research) practice in the area of critical development studies.


Yasa Belmar
The University of Queensland
